After all happened today I couldn't just get home and not write this text. Today I realized again how important friends are. They may freak you out sometimes, or get you on your nerves but, in spite of that, they are with you in the good and bad moments. They are trustworthy. Your creepy secrets, romance secretes, old stories, they know them all... Yea, it's good to have friends... unfortunately there are times we are separated by distance, permanently or just temporary. If they are really good friends, although you don't talk to them as much, you will keep greeting each time you meet like if you met the day before. Like if anything had changed you all of that time. The others you will probably remember of them during your life but not miss them too much. And now that we are talking about missing someone. I think I got a feeling problem on that subject. I almost never miss anyone. If it is a crush, oh yea, "don't kill me with the time you are away!!!" But if not, I don't feel the same way.

For instance, last summer, I spent 2 months far from home without seeing my family yet, the day I arrived I saw my mom with her eyes on tears of happiness for having me back and a huge smile on my father's face too. In that moment, I was surprise. Although I was happy to see them again, I just took it as normal family reunion. Who would say? I guess with this weird feelings system I have I will have some problems with my friends on the future or even lose some of them... sigh.. Feeling System why you no normal???
Anyways, I was talking about true friendship. "I shall not get lost!" So, in my point of view, a true friendship is a friendship which makes the moment enjoyable for both people, where secrets are shared, playing around is allowed and informal talking too. It's a friendship which lasts as long as both people want to keep it that way. Sometimes people have disagreements, fight have misunderstandings and, what once was an indestructible true friendship turns into a lost case... It's important to watch out for misunderstandings and those stupid fights which may cause something terrible like this to happen.
A true friendship can also evolve in a way which, sometimes, both people aren't into it. I am talking when one of the friends starts seeing the other as more than a friend. If both are on the same vibe, u can believe that a true love full of friendship and good stuff will grow from that day on. When it doesn't happen it's probably because one of the two wasn't committed like both thought. Often Cupid forgets to trow the arrow to both people and it ends up hurting good people...
So, the last thing I have to say is: